The most important elements of the erotic massage

The most important elements of the erotic massage

The erotic tantric massage is a combination of lovely sensations and of therapy which helps to experience high energies, having, as a result a great pleasure. It may offer a new and exciting perspective on what feeling excellent means. The emotions involved are controlled, but in a natural and specific manner, so no feeling of pressure occurs.

All the elements of the erotic tantric massage are important. Each of them, step by step need to be taken in consideration the technique; the state created for the one who receives the erotic tantric massage, the ambience in which this takes places, the qualities of the masseuse, the individual purpose of the massage, etc.

Read whic are the 10 reasons to choose the authentic tantric massage

Some aspects of the erotic tantric massage are mandatory, and here we can think about the qualities of the masseuse, some specific skills of hers. But other elements are essential elements of the erotic tantric massage. They are, at the same time, specificities of the massage which emphasize certain aspects: mystery, self-abandon, self-giving. 

The difference between mandatory aspects of the erotic tantric massage and the essential elements is that the first aspects make a massage to be what it should be, and the second ones determine the quality of the erotic tantric massage. 

Among the mandatory aspects of the erotic tantric massage we can enumerate the sensuality and the beauty of the masseuse and her skills in realizing the massage. Without a sensual and beautiful masseuse ready to enchant the guest with her harmonious energies accompanied by her excellent skills, a massage wouldn’t be what it is. Also, a unique ambience with dim light and soft music is a must-have in an erotic massage.

The essential elements in the erotic tantric massage may be aspects not so evident for those who do not search for them on purpose, but when they are present there, they make the guest wonder himself why everything seems so perfect there, so unique and even magic.

Magic is a distinctive note of a erotic tantric massage, one of the aspects that differentiate this type of massage among the others. It is the key of the erotic tantric massage. It results from the sacred attitude of the masseuse, from the unique ambience she creates. This attitude of the masseuse comes from the fact that working with people’s energies, especially with the most powerful or intimate ones, is a significant issue, so the best attitude is required. This sense of the sanctity of the therapeutically and almost magical act of erotic tantric massage taking place is another essential element of the massage. 

See the Lucky Love massage team

Elevating the energies awaken by masseuse is one of the purposes of the erotic tantric massage. And always aiming in alchemizing them in energies with higher frequencies should be considered as another key to the erotic tantric massage.

When all these keys mentioned here are achieved in a erotic tantric massage, we can be sure that the result is the best one possible and the guests, enchanted without being always able to explain it, will desire to return as soon as possible.  

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