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Tantric Massage for Men and Women

Caliope Lucky Love

I am communicative, friendly and at the same time non-conformist, dynamic and sensual. I have been passionate and have been studying psychology, art and ancient oriental traditions for many years.

For me, tantric massage is not only an erotic and sensual experience but also an art through which I can express both my affectivity and creativity. I have performed authentic tantric massage for years.

Tantric massage is for me a means to convey some of the mysteries of Tantric and Taoist eroticism to persons that are open to this.

I also conduct workshops for men, couples and women through which I want to share with those interested some of the Taoist secrets that can help a lot to have a fulfilling and happy love life.

These workshops have a variety of topics, from the mysteries of multiple male pleasure to the revealed secrets of couple tantric eroticism as well as personal development through the application of ancient Taoist methods and practices.

Caliope Lucky Love Maseuză

Professional training

Tantric Massage School for Men and Women (Esoteric Massage Academy)

Others: A.N.C trainer course, psychologist, personal development counselor.

She speaks: Romanian, English, French.


Caliope Lucky masseuse
Realizez masaj tantric cu Caliope de aproape patru ani de zile, aproximativ o dată pe lună. La început, unele puncte de pe trup erau sensibile și chiar puțin dureroase datorită unor blocaje energetice. Gradat însă, m-am deschis mai mult și am învățat cum să mă relaxez în timpul masajului tantric iar progresul este extraordinar. Cel mai mult apreciez conexiunea pe care o simt cu Caliope, nu aș putea renunța la așa ceva. Acest masaj tantric atinge erotismul dar este vorba de un erotism foarte rafinat și deloc grosier, ceea ce îl face special. După fiecare sesiune de masaj mă simt extraordinar iar această stare durează chiar multe zile după aceea. (Ro)