Lucky Love tantric and erotic massage salon from Bucharest invites you to a wonderful journey in the magic world of refined eroticism.
With more than 18 years of experience, Lucky Love erotic massage recommends the tantric erotic massage for men as an alternative means of enjoying the benefits of sexuality from an oriental perspective which are meant for body, mind and soul.
See our pricesRead which are the 10 reasons to choose the authentic tantric Lucky Love massage.
See the Lucky Love Massage Therapists
Inspired from the Tantric and Taoist tradition, the erotic massage for men includes maneuvres from:
The erotic massage for men offered by Lucky Love is an ingenious and complex combination of some massage maneuvres from more types of massages. They are performed on certain energetic meridians, including the reflex points from the sexual area, with sensual touches.
They deblock the energy, nourish the body, awaken the energy of life, the erotic energy and generate a state of deep relaxation and disconnection from the “problems” of the veryday life. They facilitate the access to soul and the fillfillment of the real needs of our being.
Even at the phone call, you are going to receive all the information you need about the erotic massage for men, and you will be reminded our principles: our services involve just massage, and we do not offer sexual services.
The touches do not aim at initiating a sexual act but at releasing negative energies and tensions and maintaining a state of happiness and fulfillment for as long as possible.
Regardless of the intention with which you enter our salon, the erotic massage for men you will receive will give you the satisfaction of having lived a regenerating and fulfilling experience.
The results of this type of massage are influenced by attitude, the ability to disconnect from the everyday life, by openness to refined eroticism and curiosity to learn new techniques for obtaining and prolonging pleasure.
During at least one hour of erotic massage (the ideal duration of a massage is 90 minutes) you will benefit from an erotic massage performed by professional masseuses.
Please give them due respect and be open to receiving an exceptional massage which, in most cases, can be more fulfilling than a sexual act devoid of transfiguration and love.
Prices starting at: 400 lei